Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Hi, we're The Little Black Dress.

Well hi there!
How are you?  Oh, that's just great!  Me?  Oh, I'm fine.  Better than fine, I suppose.  Let's say "great"!  Hmm, better than great?  Yeah, ok, even better than that!  Superb?  Stupendous! Superlative, even!  Doesn't get much better than that, does it now?

Welcome to the very first blog entry for The Little Black Dress.  My name is Dan, and I'll be your host this afternoon.  Or, depending on where in the world you're reading this from, or the time of day in that part of the world, I'll be your host this morning, this evening, or this night.  I have come up with a new time of day, which I call after-night, of which I will go into more detail at a later date.

As this is first blog entry, I'd like to introduce you to The Little Black Dress:
We are a hard-working, fun-loving, gut-busting five-some of dudes.  Guys.  Boys.  Gentlemen.
We come from an exceptionally wide array of musical backgrounds, tastes, and experiences, and have fallen upon an extremely comfortable common ground in this band.  We understand each other.  We speak without speaking.  We see without looking.  We work without thinking.  We do this for ourselves, for each other, and, of course, for you!

Over the next while, with every new song, video, photograph, blog entry, and concert, we hope that you get to know us a little bit better and better and better and better.  We're also hoping to really get to know you better and better and better and better!  Make sure to say hello any time, every time, and all the time.  Especially at our shows!  Click on the links on our website to get to any of our networks: Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and the like.  Y'know what?  I'll even post them below to make it really easy.

Seriously, keep in touch!  Let us know what you love, what you hate, and what drives you.  We will do the same.

That's all for now.  My first blog entry wasn't nearly as horrifying as I thought it would be.

Stay Classy, San Diego.

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